Ratio.City Joins Forces with Esri Canada!

We are thrilled to announce that as of June 16, 2023, the business of Ratio.City has been acquired by Esri Canada Limited, and we are now recognized as Ratio.City, a division of Esri Canada.

History of Ratio.City and Our Journey Together

Since its founding in 2017 by Monika Jaroszonek and Erin Morrow, Ratio.City has been dedicated to helping city builders, planners, architects and land use professionals access critical information about our cities and reduce inefficiencies in the planning process through innovative solutions. Throughout the years, we have achieved remarkable traction with customers, worked with the CMHC Housing Supply Challenge, and focused relentlessly on expanding our datasets and introducing new features based on customer feedback. We owe our success to your invaluable support as our customers, and we are truly grateful for your continued trust.

Decision to Embark on This Path

The decision to join forces with Esri Canada was driven by our shared vision and commitment to solving the important challenges facing our cities. Esri Canada's mission aligns perfectly with ours, with a strong focus on sustainable land use and data accessibility. We firmly believe that by combining our expertise and resources, we can make an even greater impact in transforming urban planning and decision-making processes.

The future

Our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions remains unwavering, and we will continue to provide you with the same high level of service and support you have come to expect. Monika will continue to lead the division as Managing Director, and Erin will continue to head up Product as Director, Product.

In the near term, we are excited to share that this acquisition opens up new opportunities for greater access to data for new geographies across Canada. Esri Canada's extensive resources and expertise will allow us to enhance our datasets and provide you with even more valuable insights as we continue our mission to provide data and tools to accelerate and optimize housing supply.

In the longer term, we are excited to turn our attention to the future of planning and are looking to continue building a strong community of industry experts who are as passionate about innovation and UrbanTech as we are. Stay tuned for more information in the coming months!

We Thank You for Your Continued Support

None of our achievements would have been possible without the ongoing support from our users. We deeply appreciate our customers' loyalty and trust in Ratio.City and our mission, and we are committed to continuing to exceed industry expectations. Together with Esri Canada, we are confident that we can create a brighter future for urban planning and make a positive, lasting impact on the cities we love.

We will keep you updated on any further developments and exciting enhancements that arise from this collaboration. In the meantime, if you have any questions, contact us and we will be happy to discuss them.

Join Us for a Q&A with Erin and Monika

During this life session, you'll be able to understand why we've chosen to team up with Esri Canada and get a sneak peek into what's in store for our future together.

Webinar Details:
📅 Date: October 17th, 2023
⏰ Time: 1.00 pm [ET]
⏳ Duration: Approx. 1 hour

What are we going to cover?
🔍 Uncover the strategic partnership between Ratio.City and Esri Canada.
🚀 Explore updates and enhancements for our users.
🗺️ Dive into the challenges and the future of urban planning.
❓ Engage in live Q&A with Monika and Erin.


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