Identifying Development Opportunity
RATIO.CITY developed a visualization of Development Opportunity based on the current planning policy framework.
We’ve identified 3 main indicators of development potential within the City of Toronto. Optimally, a site needs to be:
within a Provincially designated Urban Growth Centre
within 500m of a major transit station
have Mixed Use, Apartment or Regeneration Official Plan Land Use designation
There is remarkably little land available in the City of Toronto for intensification - and a lot of that either already has high density use or a development proposal on it.
If we want to bring more housing and office supply to market quickly, we need to look at policy changes to unlock more land for redevelopment. We’ve identified an additional 3600 Ha of land as ‘Missed Opportunity’ - land that is in close proximity to major transit but is currently designated Neighbourhood or Employment under the OP.
Get in touch to learn how we can help you find overlooked development potential.