See the world your way
Discover how public and private organizations across North America are using Ratio.City to build better cities.

Architects and Engineers
Understand project feasibility
We help architects and engineers during the pre-design stages of a project, generating content and material for potential clients.
Leverage Ratio.City as a business development tool to scope out project feasibility
Save time modelling scenarios and conducting development option reports with instant 3D massing
Share site developments and reports with your team for increased engagement and collaboration
Asset Managers
Visualize your portfolio in context
Our custom data hosting tools allow you to upload your portfolio to Ratio.City and gain access to all of our urban tech tools.
Visualize your geospatial data on interactive maps
Explore data surrounding your sites including Official Community Plans, development activity, transit, public assets, and more
Share customizeable reports with team members, partners, and investors

Build more sustainable communities
We support sustainable urban planning and development by surfacing vital information about a location’s natural resources and environmental impacts.
Access Areas of Natural & Scientific Importance (ANSI) and CanVec data sets
Use our elevation tools to visualize topographic differences between sites
Aggregate internal data into the Ratio.City platform for a complete view of the landscape

Sign up for our free trial
Our free trial gives you a sneak peak into our Explore and Locate tools. Create an account to get started!
Plan better, build better
If you’d like to learn more about our platform, contact our team today.