Unlock city data.
Optimize decisions.
Accelerate housing.
Ratio.City’s digital platform covers cities and towns across Canada. Let us show you how we can help your city optimize planning approval processes to increase housing supply.
Easy-to-use, web-based platform that securely addresses municipal needs and concerns
Streamline reviews
Access to data and analysis tools helps municipal staff reduce the amount of time required to prepare for pre-application consultations, community presentations, and the review of planning applications, all while supporting more informed and consistent decision making.
Asset management
Data hosting on our platform allows municipalities and government agencies managing real estate assets to map and manage assets. We provide strategic benefits by helping to identify under-utilized land and evaluate building and economic scenarios. Check out CreateTO’s story to see how we’ve done this in Toronto.
Data & 3D modelling
Our easy-to-use tools put the power of GIS in the hands of non-technical staff. Visualize relevant data sets and use our 3D modelling tools to assess, design, and plan in context. Interact and cross reference disparate data sets to see the outcomes and evaluate new policy initiatives.
Collaborate efficiently
Our collaboration tools enable seamless work and clear communication across internal and external team members. Quickly build data-driven presentations and visualize relevant information during meetings to align teams and attendees.

We offer tiered, usage-based pricing for our customers in the private and non-profit sector. The pricing depends on the volume of analysis performed on our platform. However, we understand that municipalities have different requirements. For municipalities, we offer tiered per-user licensing based on the size of your municipality and the number of users. Our pricing starts at $2500CAD/month for smaller municipalities with a minimum of 5 users ($500/month per user). For larger municipalities with 100+ users, the price can drop to $150/month per user.
The process is simple and hassle-free. We begin with an Initial Data Integration meeting to identify relevant data and APIs, if available. Our team collaborates with your municipality to source and acquire pertinent data regarding planning policies, public assets, infrastructure, and more. Subsequently, we ingest the data into our geospatial database and organize it into map layers. This entire process can be completed within a matter of days, as long as the data is in digital format and reasonably structured. We are also equipped to work with legacy data. Get in touch with us, and we'll provide guidance based on your specific requirements.
We offer flexible data hosting both for sharing within our ecosystem of land use professionals and privately for your exclusive use. For instance, if you have data sets containing contemplated policies that are not yet enacted, we can make them visible and accessible to municipal staff while keeping them private from the public. Our platform is highly customizable and ensures the utmost security for your data.
You can learn more about our data hosting services here.
We're proud to announce that we've been selected as semifinalists in the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) Housing Supply Challenge Round 5: Level-Up! 🏠
Joining 17 other outstanding teams, we're dedicated to revolutionizing Canada's housing solutions and boosting productivity in the housing sector.
Our Commitment
To provide municipalities and housing suppliers with the tools and data they need to streamline processes and build more houses, faster.
We've developed a solution that:
Facilitates connections between municipal staff and housing developers
Enhances collaboration
Provides crucial data for informed decision-making
We're addressing key issues such as approval timelines and early-stage project risks to make more projects economically feasible.
Would you like to learn more?

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See it in action
If you’d like to learn more about our platform, contact our team for a demo today.