Visualizing Urban Data with Ratio.City


Part I of our Data Visualization Series explored how data visualization can be used to surface opportunities, improve the planning process, and enhance our approach to city-building. But how does it work in practice? 

Three years ago, we set out to turn theory into an intuitive platform for city-builders. Ratio.City was uniquely positioned for the task at hand: both of our founders came from architecture and urban planning backgrounds, which gave them firsthand knowledge of the challenges being faced in our built environments. This was instrumental in designing a platform specifically for city-builders

In Part II of our Data Visualization Series, we’re taking a closer look at how Ratio.City combines data visualization with powerful technologies so city-builders can easily derive insights from complex urban data.

Effortless exploration

Cities are made up of tangible and intangible layers of information—from built form to land use policy. Aggregating both types of information into a centralized platform makes it easier to explore, discover constraints and opportunities for your projects. We believe visualization is the best approach to make all of this information accessible, and that’s why the centrepiece of Ratio.City’s web app is an interactive map.

Custom map displaying 3D buildings, parcels, zoning, development application, transit lines as interactive data layers.

Custom map displaying 3D buildings, parcels, zoning, development application, transit lines as interactive data layers.

From policy documents to transportation networks to proposed developments, we have leveraged our team’s experience in city-building to visualize data in ways that are familiar to experts in the field, stakeholders and the general public. Our map is a powerful exploration tool that allows you to see all sorts of urban datasets simultaneously and create custom combinations of layers to get a deeper understanding of the areas you are interested in. 

And thanks to Artificial Intelligence, we were able to coherently combine and organize all of this information into an intuitive platform that allows you to surface relevant data on the fly and find order in this complexity. 

Locating Opportunities

Providing an overview of the data is a great start, but the real power of our visualization platform is that it enables you to easily dive into information and zero in on opportunities. Ratio.City offers two ways to do this:

Criteria-Led Search

Whether you’re looking for a parcel of land, an ongoing development, or an area with specific zoning, our search tool helps you quickly find information using criteria you define. For example, you might need to sift through millions of parcels in your city to find the ones that are above a certain size, with low built-density, and nearby a specific transit line. Our platform lets you do this in just seconds. The results of your search are visualized as a layer on the map, so you can analyze them in the context of other relevant information, uncover unknown spatial relationships and patterns, ultimately streamlining your research process. 

Results of a criteria-based search visualized on the map

Results of a criteria-based search visualized on the map

Location-Based Search

On the other hand, you might already know what you need to work with such as a particular parcel of land or a set of locations in a portfolio. Using our selection tool, you can quickly surface relevant data about the place you are interested in and information about its surroundings. From nearby assets and amenities, to ongoing developments and site-specific policies, you’ll be able to visualize a comprehensive picture that can help drive your decision-making process. 

Developing Scenarios

Working with Ratio.City’s platform isn’t just about visualizing complex urban data. It’s about putting that information to work so you can get actionable, data-driven insights to drive your process. 

Our visualization tools let you simultaneously explore feasibility and creativity in your built-form analysis. With our 3D massing tool, you can visualize the development potential of sites through tridimensional models that are generated based on current policy and real-world constraints. This allows you to visually verify your initial assumptions and provides you data to get clarity on the feasibility of your project. 

Development potential analysis, visualizing policy constraints such as height limits and shadow regulations. Interactive charts for detailed reporting.

Development potential analysis, visualizing policy constraints such as height limits and shadow regulations. Interactive charts for detailed reporting.

Once you know what is possible, it’s easier to push the boundaries and think more creatively about our built environments. Imagine being able to shape your projects while getting real-time visual feedback on their compliance with building guidelines, height limits, shadow regulations. Our intuitive customization tools can help you generate accurate preliminary built-form analyses, evaluate alternative scenarios, and share your detailed reports with your team. This means you can expedite the due diligence process and get feedback from stakeholders much earlier than you would through traditional channels. 

Custom Visualization

Visualization is an incredibly effective way to communicate throughout the city-building process. Interactive charts and maps make it easy to explore open data, find opportunities and share insights amongst your team. But what if you had a specific use case in mind?

Our data visualization tools can also be used to plan, build and communicate unique scenarios for your business. In Part III of our Data Visualization Series, we’ll share how Ratio.City supports special projects including custom data hosting and collaborative partnerships. It’s all about giving you the perspective you need to navigate complexities in the urban landscape and make data-driven decisions.


What is Data Hosting?


The Importance of Data Visualization in City Building