The Importance of Data Visualization in City Building
In Part I of our Data Visualization Series, Andrea Giambelli, Head of Products, shares how visualization tools can elevate, enhance and expand urban data.
Collecdev Accelerates Their Development Process with Ratio.City
Collecdev shares how they have used Ratio.City’s tools over the past two years to streamline the due diligence process and build better communities faster.
Why The New Platform And Where To Next
With the launch of our new platform, we are delivering on the vision that Monika and I have always had for Ratio.City: the information city builders need, when they need it.
A Month In: What We've Learned About Working Remotely During COVID-19
We've been working remotely for a month. Here is what we've done that is working well and what we've learnt along the way.
Seed Round: Complete
Ratio.City is happy to announce that we’ve raised $1M in our seed round!
Why We Do What We Do
“Hold on, are you kidding me?” Our intrepid planning intern, Tessa, asked after seeing our first demo.
“Do you know how long this usually takes?!?”
Find out why we do what we do.
What's In A Name
“What does Radio City do?” We get this a lot. What does “Ratio.City” mean anyway?
Identifying Development Opportunity
RATIO.CITY developed a visualization of Development Opportunity based on the current planning policy framework.
$100K Pitch Competition Winner
Toronto Architect Wins $100K Start-up Capital in Fierce Founders Pitch Competition
Beta 2.0 Live Preview
Experience the Improved BETA of Our Off-Market Site Identification Tool